Let me start off by saying that before October 2015, I had never professionally SECOND shot a wedding (I know, whaaaaat?)! I've always been the lead photographer (so there was no issue with experience in the wedding world) but this was a new and eye opening experience. For one, I got to second for the beautiful and awesome Heather with Heather Elizabeth Photography. She is totally the bomb . com! And, I was actually able to take in and process the beautiful things in the moment. Here's what a lead photographer's brain looks like during a wedding "ooooohhhhh, click, click, click, click......aweeeeeee click, click, click, LIGHT! CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, yes the clicking get's louder when there's pretty light" You get the picture, right?
Photo by Kandace Photography
I've actually known Heather for a few years now. She took my precious engagement photographs! We've stayed in touch via Facebook over the years and it's always a pleasure to see her work pop up in my newsfeed.
So, one sad and lonely day I was Facebooking it up and noticed that Heather was looking for a second shooter. I overcame my intimidation and offered up my availability while at the same time letting her know that I had never professionally second shot for a photographer...... (probably sounded really good to her, not!). Probably why an ENTIRE day went by before she messaged me!
Long story short, I didn't just get the job, I got 2! I had the pleasure of second shooting for Heather twice in one month and LOVED every bit of it. It was so refreshing to take up different angles and positions than what I normally do. I was able to enjoy what everyone else did, the celebration of LOVE.
Below are some images I captured and edited while working under the amazing Heather Elizabeth. Every artist needs inspirations, and she's right up there in my book!
Photo Taken by Kandace Photography